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COI News

Important news from EUAA and the world of COI

Our approach to COI news

The News section aims to inform users about recent COI publications or upcoming workshops/conferences. EUAA selects information provided in the News section according to its relevance to the COI and asylum fields. EUAA welcomes suggestions to insert a particular news (event, publication).

12 April 2016

Danish fact-finding mission to Kurdish areas

In early October 2015, the Danish Immigration Service and the Danish Refugee Council conducted a joint fact-finding mission to Erbil and Beirut on access to the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) and the other Kurdish controlled areas, the security situation as well as the possibility of protection and the humanitarian situation.
The report is available for download here.

07 April 2016

OFPRA FFM report on Bangladesh now available in English

​The French Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (Ofpra) conducted a fact-finding mission from 2-14 April 2015 to Bangladesh to collect information on the principal motives of persecution stated by asylum seekers of Bangladeshi origin. Political militantism, especially the affiliation to the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), remains one of the principal motives invoked, in addition to the constant issue of fraudulent business transactions, conflicts about immovable property, and finally the situation of ethnic and religious minorities. The mission has also examined the situation of sexual and gender minorities, members of workers' unions and associations for the defense of textile industry workers, as well as of employees in family planning and micro credits organisations.​ 

The report is also available in English now (download here).

10 March 2016

New EASO Report on the security situation in Somalia

EASO published a COI Report entitled Somalia security situation. The report is an update of the security chapter of the EASO COI report on South and Central Somalia, published in August 2014, and has been extended to Somaliland, Puntland, and the disputed areas between these administrations (Sool, Sanaag, Khatumo). The report provides a comprehensive overview of the security situation in Somalia, information relevant for the protection status determination of Somali asylum seekers. Amongst other things, the report reveals that armed insurgent groups, in particular Al-Shabaab, have increasingly conducted large-scale and complex attacks in South and Central Somalia against the Somali National Army (SNA) and the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM).

01 March 2016

EASO's Report on Nigeria translated into several languages (FR, DE, IT)

​EASO's report Nigeria Sex Trafficking of Women (October 2015) has been translated into French, German and Italian. All versions are now available on the COI Portal. Click on Advanced Search​ to access the translated reports (select Nigeria as a country of origin; EASO as a source; and French, German or Italian as language). You can also click on the following links: