Country of Origin Information

COI News

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The News section aims to inform users about recent COI publications or upcoming workshops/conferences. EUAA selects information provided in the News section according to its relevance to the COI and asylum fields. EUAA welcomes suggestions to insert a particular news (event, publication).

30 August 2016

Finnish Immigration Service reporting from fact-finding mission to Syria

​The Finnish Immigration Service conducted a fact-finding mission to Beirut from 25–29 ​April 2016. One interview (Carnegie) was conducted via Skype on May 13, 2016 as a meeting was not possible to arrange due to time constrains. One interview (Suomi Syyria Yhteisö) was conducted in August 2016 in Helsinki, Finland. All interviews were conducted in English except the interview with Suomi Syyria Yhteisö was in Finnish seeks to give updated information on military service in the Syrian Arab Army. Issues such as current recruitment methods, possibilities to avoid military service and consequences of draft evasion or desertion are discussed in the report. The report brings up these issues also in relation to the National Defence Forces (NDF) that support the Syrian regime. Non-Syrian armed groups, i.e. Hezbollah, Iraqi and Iranian sponsored groups, fighting alongside the Syrian army and the relations between these actors are also discussed. Furthermore, the report evaluates the armed opposition in Syria, for example its recruitment in Syria and Lebanon and possibilities to leave a group. ​
The report is available for download here.

16 August 2016

New UK Home Office reports on Somalia and Iraq

The UK Home Office has recently published new country information and guidance (CIG) reports on the security and humanitarian situation in south and central Somalia, and on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), religious minorities and Sunni (Arab Muslims) in Iraq. The reports are available for download here:

28 July 2016

EASO publishes COI Security Report on Pakistan

Today, the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) published a Country of Origin Information (COI) Report entitled ‘Pakistan security situation’. The report is an update of the security chapter of the EASO COI report on Pakistan, Country Overview, published in August 2015 and provides information relevant for the protection status determination of Pakistani asylum seekers.
In 2015, Pakistan ranked 5th in the top countries of origin in the EU+ countries, with a total number of almost 48,000 applicants. Throughout 2016, the country maintained this ranking in the top countries of origin.
The EASO COI Report ‘Pakistan security situation’ provides a general description of the security situation in Pakistan, covering the following topics: a brief background on the conflict in the country; actors in the conflict; an overview of recent security trends; the impact of the violence on the state ability to secure law and order; the impact of the violence on the civilian population; and a geographical overview of the security situation.
The second part of the report provides a more detailed description of the security situation in different regions in Pakistan. In each regional chapter, a short description of the region is given, followed by a description of the security trends, the actors in the region and the impact of the violence on the population.
The main findings of the report include the continuation of the military operation called Zarb-e-Azb against militant groups in North Waziristan in 2016. The Pakistani army conducted airstrikes and ground operations. At the same time, militant or terrorist attacks continued to occur in Pakistan’s urban centres. It should be noted, however, that the numbers and civilian casualties decreased in 2015 compared to 2014. Also during the first quarter of 2016, the numbers of fatalities continued to decline. Nevertheless, targeted killings and drone strikes still took place. While the violence continued to displace people in some regions, in other regions displaced populations returned back home.
The report was drafted by a specialized researcher from the Belgian Office of the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons (Cedoca, Centre for Documentation and Research) in accordance with the EASO COI Report Methodology. It was also reviewed by experts from Austria, Hungary, EASO and UNHCR, in order to ensure the highest quality.
It is EASO’s intention to continue to produce such reports on important countries of origin and to update them on a regular basis in order to raise and harmonise COI standards in the EU and to further support the practical implementation of the Common European Asylum System.

The report can be accessed by clicking here

25 July 2016

New alerts feature available now

​Registered users can now subscribe to customised alerts (notifications), allowing to be notified about new documents by e-mail. Users can specify the notifications by countries of interest, documents in certain languages, or from selected sources, and can choose to be alerted as soon as possible or on a weekly basis. 

To use the new feature, please log in and select My notifications from your personal account menu.
Then enable the notifications by sliding the button to the right.
Select your preferences and save them. You can adapt or deactivate them at any time. ​

20 July 2016

New Austrian publication "AfPak - Grundlagen der Stammes- & Clanstruktur” - English version available soon

​This publication by renowned researchers from the University of Portland, the Humboldt University of Berlin and the University of Vienna elaborates on the foundations of society of relevant tribal structures in the AfPak region. Furthermore, the FATA Research Centre (a local think tank) conducted research in the affected Afghan and Pakistani regions which has been incorporated in its article.
The publication is available for download here (currently in German only, an English version will be released in due time).