Country of Origin Information

COI News

Important news from EUAA and the world of COI

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The News section aims to inform users about recent COI publications or upcoming workshops/conferences. EUAA selects information provided in the News section according to its relevance to the COI and asylum fields. EUAA welcomes suggestions to insert a particular news (event, publication).

18 July 2016

Update on security situation in Iraq by Lifos

Lifos, the Swedish Migration Agency's Centre for Country of Origin Information, have updated their report on the security situation in Iraq for the first semester of 2016. 
​"Security remains precarious as government forces, backed by Shia (Popular Mobilization Unit (PMU)), Kurdish (Peshmerga), and Sunni militias, continue to engage in combat against IS. The epicenter of the conflict remains in the central provinces of Anbar, Diyala, Ninewa​​, Salah al-Din and Kirkuk. Anbar is currently the main focus of the conflict. After months of intensive fighting government forces, aided by Shia PMU-militias were able to regain and retain control over the province capital Ramadi. In May the focus shifted to Fallujah, one of IS strongest and longest held bastions. Forces regained control of the city late June 2016 after the army opened a security corridor allowing thousands of trapped civilians to escape and reach displacement camps. The situation in Fallujah remains highly tense. Allegations of violations, killings and torture committed by members of the PMU against civilians fleeing the city have been reported. Hundreds of men and boys, suspected of collaboration with IS, are being detained, some have been executed others have disappeared. The humanitarian situation for the few remaining civilians inside the city and the IDPs remains grave. There is dire shortage in food and medicines."
The report is available for download here.

04 July 2016

New LIFOS report on authenticity of official Syrian documents

The report outlines, firstly, the overall tendencies within the Syrian context that influence the integrity of authorities charged with managing official documents – both negatively (ongoing economic breakdown, enhanced incentives for using bribes, high degree of decentralization) and positively (a continued ambition of providing government services, controlling population movements and maintaining security).

Secondly, the Syrian citizenship law and its implementation (including statelessness) are outlined. The subsequent sections describe the different types of official Syrian documents: those related to civil law (such as marriage and death certificates), drivers licenses, identity cards, passports/travel documents and various military documents. Each of these sections encapsulates 1) the process to acquire the relevant document, 2) the configuration of the document and 3) the impact of the ongoing crisis on the authenticity of the concerned document type.​

02 June 2016

Recent UK reports on Jamaica and Sri Lanka

The UK Home Office has recently published two Country Information and Guidance (CIG) reports, one with background information (including actors of protection and internal relocation) in Jamaica, and on Tamil separatism in Sri Lanka
They ​are available for download here:​

01 June 2016

LIFOS published report from FFM to Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

From 28 September to 9 October 2015, a delegation from Lifos - the Swedish Migration Agency's Centre for Country Information and Analysis- undertook a Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) with the scope of updating and deepening its knowledge base regarding exposed and vulnerable groups, and the developments in the eastern provinces. Lifos also sought to gain information about the general political and security situation in the current climate of upcoming elections.
The report aims at shedding light on the current situation of government opponents, with a particular focus on the Congolese authorities’ level of tolerance regarding oppositional manifestations. The report also seeks to illustrate the authorities’ repressive reactions on non-tolerated activities.
It is available for download here.

13 April 2016

New UK CIG reports on Iran, Iraq, and Yemen


The UK Home Office has published three new Country Information and Guidance (CIG) reports, informing about smugglers in Iran; the security situation in Baghdad, the south and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq; and the security and humanitarian situation in Yemen. 
They are available for download here:​