Country of Origin Information

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15 July 2024

Bangladesh: EUAA updates on the health landscape and availability of medical services in-country

The EUAA recently published five topical reports on the healthcare situation in Bangladesh, which provide Member States’ national authorities with information on the prevalence of gastroenterology, hepatitis, paediatric care, psychiatry, and pulmonology, as well as the access to treatment and medicines for these diseases in Bangladesh.

In total, since the start of 2024, the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) has published a series of nine MedCOI topical reports, as in February 2024 four reports were published regarding diabetes mellitus, cardiology, neurology and nephrology. These topical reports complement the general report on Health Care Provision in Bangladesh published in June 2023.

The MedCOI topical reports focus on the costs of treatment and medication, as they provide prices for consultations, specific examinations, and medications, while the general MedCOI report provides general information on the structure of the health system in Bangladesh, the public and private health sectors, and the pharmaceutical sector. Further, the general report focuses on economic factors including the health services provided by the state, insurance schemes and health expenditure. The reports are based on publicly available information in electronic and paper-based sources and also contain information from oral sources.

Bangladesh is a densely populated country and even though it is one the fastest growing economies in the world, those in lower socioeconomic groups are not able to afford health services. Health expenditure is one of the main reasons for poverty and deprivation amongst low-income households. Bangladesh has one of the highest out-of-pocket expenditure rates in the world.

Migration from rural areas to urban areas is increasing. Bangladesh has a rural network of public sector health services but lacks an equivalent network in the urban areas. A rapid and consistent inflow of migrants provides an additional source of pressure on services in urban slums and large cities. Bangladesh is also undergoing an epidemiological transition, especially in its urban areas.

Separately, the Agency has just published an updated COI Country Focus on Bangladesh.

11 July 2024

Nigeria: Latest report highlights the multifaceted security threats in the country

The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) has just published a new Count​​ry of Origin Information (COI) report on Nigeria​, which examines the security situation in the country and its impact on civilians, through a regional breakdown. It also looks into the issue of human trafficking and identifies selected profiles of relevance for the assessment of Nigerian applications for international protection by EU+ countries.

Nigeria’s security situation is complex, marked by the involvement of different state and non-state actors in conflicts and human rights violations. While criminality is reported as the primary source of violence, the EUAA report also highlights several major conflict drivers, including attacks by Islamist groups, counter-insurgency operations, criminal and cult-related violence, separatist movements, and clashes between farmers and herders.  Banditry and kidnappings also contributed to the country’s instability. In 2023, approximately 75 % of fatalities were reported in the north of Nigeria. That year, election-related violence added to the volatile environment.

Nigeria is also a country of origin, transit and destination for sex trafficking and forced labour, involving both children and adults. In 2022, it ranked first in terms of countries of origin for victims of trafficking in human beings in the EU. In this context, the report delves into the specific situation of women and girls, as well as LGBTIQ persons, offering insight into some of their unique challenges. 

EU Asylum situation for Nigerian nationals

Between January 2023 and March 2024, Nigerians lodged 21 000 applications for international protection in the EU+.  Monthly levels fluctuated between 1 100 and 1 700. The latter was recorded in March 2024, when Nigerians lodged the most applications since May 2022. However, compared to the previous 15 months, Nigerian applications have decreased slightly in the EU+. Around 74% of all Nigerians were first-time applicants and there were hardly any self-claimed unaccompanied minors. The main receiving countries for Nigerians were Italy, followed by France, Ireland, and Germany.

During these 15 months, EU+ countries issued approximately 16 000 decisions at first instance on Nigerian applications, with 14% of the decisions granting refugee status and subsidiary protection. At the end of March 2024, there were 15 000 cases pending at first instance, up by around 500 cases compared to January 2023. 


The EUAA regularly updates its Country of Origin Information reports, which aim to provide accurate and reliable up-to-date information on third countries to support EU+ national asylum authorities involved in international protection procedures.

The report was prepared in accordance with the EUAA COI Report Methodology and was drafted by the EUAA COI Sector. The report was reviewed by members of different COI Units in EU+ countries. This information is a crucial component when assessing individual protection needs and, separately, developing Country Guidance. 

11 July 2024

Bangladesh: Latest EUAA report highlights the democratic backslide impacting specific profiles

The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) has just published a Country-of-Origin Information (COI) report on Bangladesh. It provides information on the political context and human rights situation in the country, as well as on the treatment of select profiles. It also gives an overview of the functioning of the justice and security sector.

In January 2024, Sheikh Hasina and her party, the Awami League, won their fourth consecutive term in power, a result of an ongoing democratic backslide. With Bangladesh approaching an authoritarian one-party system, the government has demonstrated growing intolerance to dissent, with increased targeting of political opposition leaders, human rights defenders and media that is critical of the party. As a result of this trend, civic space is in the country is shrinking, with restrictive laws affecting civil society organisations, by limiting their operations and foreign funding.

Profiles such as politicians, journalists, and activists have been targeted by state actors and political party supporters. There are also allegations of state law enforcement being used to undermine the opposition, as well as reports of enforced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, and torture.

Despite having an advanced regulatory and legislative framework, women and girls in Bangladesh face various barriers, including discriminatory legislation, domestic violence, or forced and child marriage.

The country also continues to host Rohingyas who have fled from Myanmar, since the 1990s. Most arrived in 2017, following a violent campaign against the group carried out by the Myanmar military. In Bangladesh, Rohingyas are granted temporary stay on humanitarian grounds, and there have been reports of human rights abuses in the refugee camps, including deadly and sexual violence.

Separately, the Agency has also just published an update on the healt​h landscape in Bangladesh.

EU Asylum situation for Bangladeshi nationals

Between January 2022 and April 2024, Bangladeshi nationals lodged around 90 000 asylum applications in EU+ countries. Since August 2022, the monthly levels have almost always exceeded 3 000 applicants. In March 2024, Bangladeshi applications in the EU+ reached a record high. Italy was the main destination country, receiving more than half of all Bangladeshi applications, followed at a distance by France, with over a quarter of the total. 

Between January 2022 and March 2024, Bangladeshi applicants were issued almost 50 000 decisions at first instance in EU+ countries. The decisions were largely negative, with the recognition rate for Bangladeshi asylum applicants at just over 4 %. By the end of April 2024, almost 48 000 Bangladeshi applications were pending at all instances.


The EUAA regularly updates its Country of Origin Information reports, which aim to provide accurate and reliable up-to-date information on third countries to support EU+ national asylum and migration authorities involved in migration and international protection procedures.

The report was prepared in accordance with the EUAA COI Report Methodology and was drafted by EUAA COI Sector’s researchers. The report was reviewed by several COI Units in EU+ countries. This information is a crucial component when assessing individual protection needs.​

26 June 2024

Iran: EUAA report focuses on Iran’s governance and human rights issues

The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) has just published its first Country of Origin Information (COI) report on Iran, focusing on the country's governance, security institutions, judicial system and socio-economic conditions in Tehran. The report aims to assist EU+ countries in evaluating protection needs of Iranian nationals applying for asylum in the EU. It will further inform the upcoming Country Guidance publication on Iran. 

Iran operates under a hybrid system that blends theocratic authority with republican elements and is composed of both nominated and elected institutions. The state is led by the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and safeguarded by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), and its paramilitary wing, the Basij, which permeates all aspects of the Iranian society. Intelligence agencies operate domestically and internationally, targeting activists and dissidents. 

The report highlights the nationwide protests following the death of Mahsa (Zhina) Amini in September 2022 while in custody of the morality police for violating mandatory hijab rules. The protests spread to all 31 provinces, and were met with violence by security forces, including mass arrests and killings. By September 2023, 551 protestors were killed, including 49 women and 68 children, with the highest fatalities reported in areas inhabited by ethnic minorities. 

Human rights defenders and lawyers supporting protesters faced harassments and arbitrary arrests. Despite crackdowns, Iranian women continued to resist compulsory hijab rules in the streets and on social media, and in April 2024, the morality police resumed its street patrols to enforce these rules. ​

The report also addresses ongoing targeting of ethnic and religious minorities, such as Kurds, Baluches, Ahwazi Arabs, Christians (including converts) and Baháʼís, as well as the use of hate speech against LGBTIQ persons. 

EU Asylum situation for Iranian nationals ​

​Between January 2023 and March 2024, Iranians lodged 20 000 applications for international protection in the EU+. The number of monthly applications began to increase in October 2022, the month following the death of Mahsa Amini, registering a 51 % increase compared to August of that year. Overall, the number of applications from Iranian nationals went up by almost 1/3 compared to the previous 15 months. Germany was the main destination country, receiving almost three fifths of all Iranian applications. 

EU+ countries have issued 11 000 first instance decisions on Iranian applications between January 2023 and March 2024, with a recognition rate of 45 %, in line with the previous 15 months. The overwhelming majority of positive decisions granted consisted of refugee status. At the end of March 2024, almost 16 000 Iranian cases were pending a first instance decision. 


​The EUAA Country of Origin Information reports aim to provide accurate and reliable up-to-date information on third countries to support EU+ national asylum authorities involved in international protection procedures. 

The report was prepared in accordance with the EUAA COI Report Methodology and was drafted by EUAA COI Sector's researchers. The report was reviewed by several COI Units in EU+ countries. This information is a crucial component when assessing individual protection needs and, separately, developing Country Guidance. 

23 May 2024

Iraq: EUAA newly-issued COI reports highlight impact of wider regional stability on civilians

The EUAA has just published two Country of Origin Information (COI) reports on Iraq, which provide a thorough update on the latest security trends and the treatment of select profiles by State and non-State actors. Detailed information on the socio-economic situation in Baghdad and Sulaymaniyah is also provided. The reports will contribute to a forthcoming update of EUAA Country Guidance on Iraq.

Since early 2023, the security situation in Iraq has been affected by various conflicts, including persistent attacks by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) against Iraqi security forces, ground operations and airstrikes by Türkiye in northern Iraq, recurrent tensions between the US and Iran, and most recently, the eruption of a full-scale war between Israel and Hamas. In this context, security incidents have continued to impact the Iraqi civilian population and infrastructure, particularly in the governorates of Dohuk, Erbil, and Bagdad. The EUAA report Iraq - Security Situation provides a report card on such developments in each of Iraq’s 18 governorates.

Additionally, the civic space in Iraq has continued to shrink as journalists, media workers, human rights and political activists, as well as persons perceived as opposing the State have been intimidated or detained for their opinions based on vaguely worded laws. Individuals with perceived ISIL affiliation, including children, have continued to face challenges in obtaining civil documentation necessary to access basic services and the right to freedom of movement.

Finally, an intensification of a State’s anti-LGBTIQ campaign has been reported, while violence perpetrated by armed actors and family members of LGBTIQ persons continued to be met with impunity.

EU Asylum situation for Iraqi nationals

Between January 2023 and March 2024, Iraqi nationals lodged around 32 000 applications for international protection in the EU+. Applications decreased slightly compared to the previous 15 months; with Iraqis dropping from the 8th to the 10th largest group of applicants. Around 14 % of applications were repeat applications lodged in EU+ countries. The main receiving countries for Iraqis was Germany, followed by Greece.

EU+ countries issued around 25 000 decisions at first instance to Iraqi applicants, of which 42 % granted EU-regulated types of protection. This represents a 13 percentage-point increase in the recognition rate compared to the previous 15 months. At the end of March 2024, nearly 20 000 Iraqi cases were pending a decision at first instance.

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